HAT Format is the July 2014 format of Yugioh. This format focuses around more backrow centric decks as well as toolbox XYZ extra decks. Notable decks this format are H.A.T. (Hands, Atrifacts, and Traptrix), Geargia, Infernity, Evilswarm, and Battlin Boxers. This format ended with the release of Shaddolls in Duelist Alliance and master rule 3.

Artifacts and Traptrix and their two varients of Card Car D and Hands are the most know decks of the format. They focus on geting disruptions and XYZ materials through Artifacts and Traptrix. What makes this deck work is the toolbox nature of its strategy.

After the format got revived people realized that the card Card Car D might have been better than the Hand engine. This was due to how Card Card D could contiune to acrue value in grindy games and find more.
- Insanely Recursive Engines
- Strong Value
- Flexible Trap Line Up
- Trap Reliant
- Hands Can Be Played Around
- Best Deck Syndrome

Korey McDuffie: HAT
This is the most famous deck list from all of HAT format: The 1st place 2014 NAWQC HAT deck piloted by the legend Korey McDuffie, who tragically passed away in 2018. Korey was truly a unique case since he was primarily a magic player who decided to theory craft a YGO deck, and ended up winning the biggest tournament of the year. This is still a brilliant deck list, it's the original blueprint for all HAT decks. Korey's legacy lives on through people like us who still love and play this format. May his soul rest in peace.
- Tiger Solider

Ultra Plant: CAT
Substituting hands we have Card Car D and some extra artifact pieces. Artifact Begalltech gives life to what are sometimes dead Moralltachs in the back row. The list is also making use of a lot more three ofs than at the time lists. This list tops consistently in revived HAT format events.


Geargia are a rank 4 combo deck. Geargia are self recursive and can consistently pull out value from the deck. Especially with the trap card Geargiagear and the Rank 4 Gear Gigant X .

Kard: Geargia Karakuri
This list was the winner of the first ever Moraltach Monthly event. This list combines Geargia and Karikuri for an Extremely explosive combo game which can spam out Burei into powerful options.
- Can be Slow
- Trap Reliant
- Karikuri can Brick
- Tons of Searching
- Karikuri Synchros Summon Out Of The Deck
- Easy Rank 4s
Karakuri are often teched in as an engine for easy field swarming and synchro options. Overall the deck makes excellent use the extra deck for free summons and disruptions.

Near n : Geargia Hands

Infernity are a Wombo Combo deck, that can if not disrupted make insane 3+ disruption end boards. This is done by abusing Infernity Archfiend and Necromancer

Infernity as a deck is very match up dependent. Thus in some formats they may struggle to keep up. H.A.T. format is middle for them.
- Insane Combos
- Consistent Disruption
- Struggles Against Side Decking
- Fragile
- Hard Deck to Pilot Optimally

MMF : Infernity
- Stygian Street Patrol's summon Archfiend is the bread and butter. Basically everything else aims to facilitate that play.
- Try to revive Necromancer off of Launcher when you can. don't fret too much if you can't, but getting necromancer on field is a great way to make sure you can keep playing after the initial combo
- Don't be afraid to let Upstart go to waste. It's far better to end with a set Upstart and an otherwise full board than with a full hand because you got greedy with Upstart Goblin
- Keep a basic end board in mind when going through your turn. Some hands won't give you the luxury of choosing between Infernity Barrier and a disruptive XYZ, so know which one is going to be better in the matchup you're playing
- Snafs
Example Combos


Common Engines

Side Deck & Staple Traps

Rank 4 XYZs

Other XYZs
